Underinsured (UIM) and Uninsured (UM) Motorist Coverage

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    Underinsured Motorist coverage (UIM) and Uninsured Motorist coverage (UM) are important to have in Washington State and are often interchangeable with insurance adjusters. UIM and UM coverage is just as important and essential to your auto insurance policy as Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is in providing adequate protection against any contingency. Similar to PIP, UIM/UM is not required to be on […]

    All about Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

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    Personal Injury Protection (PIP) pays for many important losses following a motor vehicle collision. In Washington, PIP is not required to be on your auto policy but it is highly recommended you get it. It will save you the headache of having to deal with the medical expenses and loss of income that might pile up after a collision. Who […]

    Making a Diminished Value Claim – The Advocates

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    Nobody wants to buy a car that’s been in a wreck. For a lot of people, a car that has been in a wreck is like buying bruised fruit. You just don’t feel like you’re getting your money’s worth.  Below, we will explain what you will need to make a diminished value claim and how The Advocates can help you.  […]