Frequently Asked Questions: Personal Injury Billing Process

With any significant injury there are likely to be medical bills. Having a firm capable of guiding you through the billing process can go a long way in alleviating stress and allowing for a faster recovery. Here are the most commonly asked questions relating to personal injury billing:

How does the billing process work?

There are four things we look for when it comes to handling your medical bills. The first thing we will check is whether you carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) on your auto insurance. If you have PIP, then it will start paying your medical bills as you incur them.

If you do not have PIP, we can bill to your health insurance, but you might be on the hook for your deductible or copays.

If you do not have PIP or health insurance, you can always pay out of pocket.

Lastly, for those who can’t afford to pay out of pocket, we are sometimes able to get providers to put bills on hold and delay payment until the end of your case.

Once you’ve retained an attorney, your team will assist with billing and advise you on your best options for taking care of your bills.

What if you can’t afford treatment?

As treatment is very important for your recovery after an accident, some medical providers may offer to treat you on a lien. A lien is an agreement between you and your medical provider that allows you to delay payment until your case is settled.

Not all medical providers will provide this service, so be sure to consult with your attorney first.

Questions about an injury? Call for a free consultation!